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Gayfeather (Liatris punctata) |
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Yellow owl-clover (Orthocarpus luteus) |
Saturday, the 17th of August, was spent at Staunton State Park in Jefferson County. We saw some late season flowers blooming including: harebell (
Campanula rotundifolia), blanketflower (
Gaillardia aristata), cutleaf evening primrose (
Oenothera coronopifolia), geranium
(Geranium sp.), scorpionweed (
Phacelia heterophylla), yellow owl-clover (
Orthocarpus luteus), and yarrow (
Achillea lanulosa). On Sunday 18 August, I went to Hildebrand Park to see if the gayfeather (
Liatris punctata) was blooming yet, and it has finally begun. Also noted broom snakeweed (
Gutierrezia sarothrae) and curlycup gumweed (
Grindelia squarrosa) in bloom.
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Scorpionweed (Phacelia heterophylla) |
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Cutleaf evening primrose (Oenothera coronopifolia) |
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Broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae) |